Why Heart Transformation?

Your heart:

  • Represents the core and the gateway of your being.
  • It encompasses your thoughts, emotions, and will, which are, your choices.
  • What you allow in and out is determined by your heart.
  • It is the source of everything you do and determines the course of your life. It is the steering wheel.
  • Your heart is where your dreams, your desires, and your passions reside.
  • If your heart is unhealthy, it has an impact on everything else. It threatens your family, your friends, your career, and your legacy.
  • It is constantly under attack by distractions, life demands, and other things that fight for its attention.
  • This is why it is important to examine it and to intentionally train it in order to flourish and be prepared for life challenges, and in some cases, prevent them.
  • Above all else, guard your heart, because everything you do flows from it.

Why Blue Sapphire?

  • This beautiful, precious gemstone is a result of a cutting, grinding, polishing (Faceting), and heating process.
  • There are times in life when we feel like we are being “cut”, “grinded”, “polished”, or “under pressure”.
  • Remember in those moments: you are being transformed to become a precious, very valuable, unique, royal, strong gem!
  • The quality of your life and your relationships can improve if you pay attention to your heart (emotions,thoughts and choices), guard it, and most importantly train it by having personalized plans.
  • I’m here to help you in that transformation process!

Heart Transformation Areas

*Anxiety *Stress *Depression *Loneliness *Emotion regulation *Negative thinking patterns *Interpersonal problems in relationships *Connectedness *Grief and loss *Boundary setting *Decision making *Conflict management and resolution *Communication skills *Self-Esteem *Body image *Boundaries with social media and technology *Time management *Organization *Anger management *Parenting Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers *Money management * Balance between work and life *Finding significance and purpose in Life. *Vision and direction in Life *Feeling stuck *Setting and accomplishing goals *Blended Family dynamics *Rebuilding of lives *Co-dependency.


To equip adolescents, college students, adults, families, and communities to flourish in life.


Flourishing generations living full lives, with purpose, hope, and a future.


  • Practicing a holistic approach which examines all areas of a person’s life.
  • Empowering others to reach their full potential, to live their best life in order to flourish
  • Providing practical tools and strategies.
  • Teaching new skills.
  • Developing personalized plans, and a vision for their lives.
  • Setting and achieving measurable goals.
  • Creating action plans that are strength based.
  • Providing guidance, direction, support, understanding, and encouragement
  • that fosters personal and professional growth.
  • Maximizing resources available.
  • Focusing on finding solutions.

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